Monday, October 3, 2011

Bloggers Block!

So, I started a blog, wrote two rather lovely posts (in my opinion) and then .... I stopped. Quit, would actually be the apropos word here. Partly I quit because my computer was terrible, and I was hoping for a new one for my bday (which I did indeed receive. Thanks, Ace!!). Partly I quit because I got a little overwhelmed with the idea of coming up with funny, witty things to say to my very few readers. But mostly I quit, because I didn't make the time, nor did I force myself to make the time. What's that phrase they use?!?! Oh, yes...self-discipline!! I'm terrible at that. I am such a creature of habit and have a very routine way in which I "do life". That being said, if I don't force something new into my daily routine, I just won't do it. There are two parts to being a cluttered perfectionist when it comes to my "To Do" lists, 1. is my brain spins in 7 different directions at all times. I'm a great multitasker, I can usually keep lots of plates spinning at once...but 2. if I'm not going to do it right, I'm not going to do it at, sometimes the things I really enjoy, just don't get done! I'll wait and put it off until I can give it the full effort I think it deserves. So here I go, *sigh* making that effort.
But as I sat down to type this evening, I was suddenly crippled with anxiety and a bit of embarrassment. Now that I hadn't blogged for several weeks was I just supposed to type, "Hello, it's Whitney again, I started blogging, then I stopped, but I really enjoy it, so now I'm please still read me?" SO LAME!!! But I guess that's all there is to say. So hopefully you will be patient with me as I slowly force this new thing I love into my routine!! What's that word, again?!? Oh, yes...discipline!!
Is there ever anything you really enjoy but miss out on because you either can't or won't make the time??


  1. Please blog about your heals! I always see you in different heals. Show them off!

  2. Whitney, where's your latest blog? I know you have one! It's stored up there in your head just waiting to get out. You've got so much to offer this blogger world!! Come on. Let's hear it. It's been 4 months since we heard from you!! You know you love it!! Love you.
